Do you commute back and forth to work each day? Do you drive your children to and from school? Do you have a Will?
People often forget how fragile life is. We go through life and our daily routines without giving a passing thought to how quickly our lives can change. A simple thing like a commute to work or a carpool to school can lead to tragedy. We hear about these accidents every day on the morning news and in the stories of friends and family that have experienced loss. What happens to the families that are affected? When someone has passed, who will handle their affairs? Who will receive their property? Most importantly, who will care for their children? If that person did not have a Will, their wishes are unknown and many of those questions could be left in the hands of a Judge.
Many couples and individuals do not have a Will. Hiring a Phoenix attorney to draft specific provisions to prepare for the future of your family is extremely important and can save significant expense. We all hope that we will never experience such a loss, but it is best to be prepared and to ensure that our wishes are heard. A Will is a simple and fairly inexpensive way to protect your family’s interests.
Scott Law Offices Phoenix law office is dedicated to providing simple and cost-effective representation in preparing individual and couples Wills.