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Divorce Linked to Academic and Social Struggles in Children

A 2011 study published by the American Sociological Association found that children of divorced parents struggle in math and with social skills. The study followed about 3,500 children from Kindergarten to 5th grade. The researchers compared the academic and social abilities of children from divorced families versus children from families with parents who were still married.

The study concluded that children from divorced homes tended to perform more poorly in the area of math on standardized tests. They also tend to display more anxiety and sadness than their peers. Children of divorced parents have a harder time making friends and are more likely to feel lonely. These issues peak at the point that divorce proceedings are initiated.

Since it is evident that divorce negatively impacts children, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons of a separation. It may be better for children in the long term, but it is a hard transition for children to make. To help minimize the impact of divorce, it is important that parents shelter their children from parental arguments. Conflict is hard for children and intense discussions should be tabled until they are asleep or not home.

Once the decision to divorce has been made, it is important to keep proceedings and interactions civil. Contact us for our services for family law, Glendale residents, and  to retain a knowledgeable divorce lawyer. Your lawyer can handle the majority of interactions with your former spouse to ensure your children are not exposed to parental conflict. Our lawyers will also help work out custody arrangements that are as consistent as possible. Consistency will help ease the transition for your children and minimize the impacts of your separation.

It is also advisable to seek therapy for your children to help process their emotions. By being open and having an outlet for their feelings, it will make it less likely for them to internalize conflict and feelings of uncertainty.

Divorce is not fun for anyone, but we are here to make it as easy for you and your children as possible. Call us when you are ready to take the next step.