Bullying is something that we don’t always associate with adults. However, a common complaint that we hear in the divorce or custody context is that one party is threatening, intimidating or bullying the other. Bullying tactics are typically used in an attempt to persuade the other party to agree to certain terms. Sometimes, they are used to try to force a party out of a shared residence. They can even occur in circumstances where one party does not want to proceed with a divorce or legal separation at all.
Regardless of the reason for the bullying, bullying is something that should be taken very seriously by everyone involved. Any acts of violence between the parties in a family court case will likely be considered domestic violence and may require police intervention. Bullying tactics are also acts in direct violation of the Preliminary Injunction that is often in place in family court cases.
Remedies exist within the family court to prevent further bullying and to sanction a person for their violations of the courts orders. Options like Orders of Protection and Temporary Orders give a party an avenue to put a stop to the bullying that has occurred. The court may order no contact, may give one party exclusive use of the residence and may even issue orders for one party to pay the other’s attorney’s fees and costs.
Hiring an attorney who can assist you with this difficult situation may alleviate some of the bullying behavior. An attorney can deal directly with the party and limit the amount of contact that the individuals have with one another. Scott Law Offices is experienced in representing clients in high conflict cases involving bullying and domestic violence.